Recording with a Samson G-Track - Bad Volume


New member
I've just bought a Samson G-Track USB microphone to record with. I've been trying it both with the KRISTAL audio engine and Sonar LE, but with both the recording volume is amazingly poor and will only record with a decent volume if the MIC button is turned up full on the microphone. In KRISTAL this causes a buzz in the background becasue of the feedback, in Sonar, whatever volume i record at, i get a clicking in the background every second or so.

What is wrong with this, is it the mic or my set up?

I've got a powerful PC, though i'm using onboard sound (Gigabyte mobo with Realtek Audio), though this would all seem to be bypassed by the USB Audio codec drivers that the mic runs on. I've checked the volume settings for the PC.

Any ideas anyone as this is really doing my head in?