I'm not familiar with the tablet's usbC connector, but the blurb at the first link says the cable is for outputing audio from the tablet to speakers (etc.).And the first link is for the 2 outputs of the interface to the tablet s8 plus
The P95 is old now, just like my P35, but they do have their charm. My P35 has a very nice 'Puff Organ' voice, and I've never found similar elsewhere.The only concern I really have with the Yamaha and Roland range of keyboards is that the sound is a bit compromised. Not in a big way, but all the ones that have great actions and sound pretty good through the internal speakers, always sound a bit thin when recorded or plugged into PAs? I don't know why, but I suspect the sound is 'tuned' for the speakers and is not quite as good, without what the speakers contribute? It's often possible to hear a recording and say "That's a Clavinova" - less so with the more synthy keyboards they make and Rolands - they are more neutral.
You connect it not to a tablet, but to a computer, and on the computer you run a program called a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).Well how can i record my music if i dont connect the interface to my tablet?
Too true! I recall a review of a pretty high end device* which 'boasted' about the "zero impedance" HP output and went on to give chapter and verse as to why they were superior to old "resistive" HP feeds. THEN in the manual it warns against plugging in a TS jack plug thus shorting the RH channel! That is just BOUND to happen.The designers would have to be idiots not to protect their connections from being shorted by the idiot users.
But there are idiot 'designers' in this world.
A Motu 4 just ain't gonna work with an android tablet, don't waste your money. You'd have to be a software pioneer.Thanks for your reply
Much appreciated
Same goes for DC wall wart sockets. I've seen people plug in a supply, whithout a thought for polarity. That's why the designer has to think about it.Too true! I recall a review of a pretty high end device* which 'boasted' about the "zero impedance" HP output and went on to give chapter and verse as to why they were superior to old "resistive" HP feeds. THEN in the manual it warns against plugging in a TS jack plug thus shorting the RH channel! That is just BOUND to happen.
*I cannot, atmo 100% recall the model and brand and would not want to start ill informed gossip. I shall see if I can find the review.