Recording Setup Purchase <--Advise Ploxers ^^


New member
Alright guys (and girls). This is your chance to give someone who knows what their doing (for the most part) another view. I am going to be purchasing a whole new setup for my studio and I'll explain what I am looking at purchasing.

1) What I want you guys to do, is to comment on what you think I should do and support that with some good reasons.
2) Suggest new things to add to my studio when more cash flow comes in. Explain why it would be a good choice and beneficial to my studio taking to account I will be selling my services (for experience mainly) for very cheap rates.

My current Setup
Mackie DFX-12
Pod 2.0 <-- through the mix for all my electric guitars
Shure Sm58
2 Shure SM57s
Adobe Audition
Intel Core 2 duo 2.2 Macbook with 4 gb of ram

You might be thinking the above does not look like a setup at all. I use the mackie dfx12's tape outs into my Macbooks mic input. The reason I purchased this is because I needed to be able to do a lot of live application and recording on the side. Now my focus is switching to recording more than live (since my band mate has a full PA)

New Setup
Still that same old Macbook
Still that same old audition
One of these Presonus Firewire Interface
  • Firepod 8 channel (cheap but I will eventually want upgrade)
  • FireStudio 8 channel (same as Firepod except it has an analog software mixer)
  • Firestudio project 8 channel (same as above but has some lightpipes on the interface which monitor the preamps)
Pod Farm w/ilok ($140ish total but I am going to be switching back and forth from my friends computer and he has adobe audition as well)
Same old microphones

I am choosing to go with amp modeling for now because I want a lot of diversity and since podfarm comes both with guitar and bass modeling I am stoked. Firewire interface is a must since it just honestly makes more sense to go with usb since I will be relying on podfarm going to audition through my presonus interface. Naturally my research has drawn me to Presonus products because of the superb everything for the price. I need 8 channels due to the fact I will be recording drums in the future and 8 channels gives me a lot of mics for any other experimenting I want to do (or live recording).

Go ahead and comment and suggest anything I may have overlooked. Also suggest some things I should think about purchasing (besides a nice amp because that is something on my mind already (egnater rebel 20))
The new stuff looks okay.

You will notice a difference recording through the presonus interface (whichever you get) compared to going to the Mac's line-in. There should be a marked improvement.

Your arsenal of mikes looks limited, and I'd suggest investigating some condenser mikes for studio work. I'd start with a pair of SDCs (such as Rode NT5s or similar), and an LDC (Rode again, perhaps an NT1a, or, better, NT2a). (I suggest Rode because I'm happy with them.)

Eventually you might want to look at higher quality mike pre-amps than come with the Presonus gear, but to start off with, the Presonus pres will serve you will.
Thnks man ^^

Thanks for the feedback. Yeah I do have limited microphones and I am going to look into purchasing a few nicer ones. I'm not much of a microphone techy so I have a question about running microphones through the presonus:

The presonus will take phantom powered microphones right?