Recording Options Needed


New member
Hello again,
Well I'll lay it out as basic as it comes and hope yous can offer more and better tech. in newbies terms. For now I'm just rec. guitar by miking my amp with a shure 57 at the speakers and plugging into chan. 1 [ direct] of my 424 MKIII. I'm using a chorous that I plug into the effect loop of my marshall amp and a overdrive stomp box from guitar to amp. I'm just doing guitar for now so I don't get any more confused but I'd like to lay a lead track down and wonder if I should use same method , direct, or would it be better to bus it? Could someone please explain a better way to rec. the guitar and how I should set up my effects, etc..? Man; As new as can be... Another ques. for down the road,[ I will learn this!]. Can someone please tell me basically how the 424 can be run into my pc for mixdown? Is it true that the comp. would offer a better mix and also what software would you rec. that's most compatible with the 424 or any 4 track for that matter.? Also , and I am SERIOUS; If there be anyone here in the Chicago area that would be willing to teach me I would compensate indeed. I am a 46 yr. old x-touring musician that left in 81 and as far as all the tech. stuff goes the most I had to do was plug in and recently have started again with a load of rock/ blues material and if one is likewise minded perhaps this will turn into a Music package that I plan on anyways. Thanks much,
TOMMY.. ..
Yo Tommy:

I have a simple suggestion for you to get you started and help you comprehend gear.

Check out the Junior colleges in the Chicago area, [my old home town] and look for an Electronic Music class. It will be cheap compared to other avenues of learning.

We have one here in Grand Rapids that I'd like to take; a friend of mine took the class for like 90 dollars and got hands on with Roland gear; but, understanding the signal chain and how any gear works will help you down the road.

Good luck. Too bad the Como Inn went under. I once worked there as a bartender before I went to college. But, there are so many good restaurants in Chicago that I miss.

Green Hornet

:D ;)