*** question for sweetnubs ***


New member
ok, lets say your best friend comes to you for advice.
he has $5000 to spend, and he wants a home studio setup. hes going to be recording vox, bass, drums and electric guitar. what gear would you recommend - keeping in mind that he'll be starting from scratch?
Oh Craz....

this is the computer equivalent of poking a hyena with a stick.

do you *really* want a response from Sweetnubs?

I'll do my best Karnak impression and "channel" his answer:

"Tell your friend to go to a real analog studio and pay the engineer the $5K to record him on 2" tape at 30 ips. Your friend should expect to get about 1 day in the studio for that $5K, if it's cheaper then you're not in the right studio.

Once he's done with that $5,000, he can save up another $5,000 and come back and record the next instrument - you didn't really expect a *completed recording* for $5,000, did you? Amateur."

that would be my best guess.

- housepig
ouch that stick hurt. man this is a tough one. you're going to have to buy used stuff. let me give it a shot. i'm upping your budget to $6000.

console: used soundtracs topaz or solo, soundcraft 600/800, maybe an used allen and heath. i know somebody who recently bought an amek tac scorpion for $1500. about $1300 for one of these. no mackie please, these consoles are all better. get 24 channels minimum.

recorder: mackie sdr24/96, $1300.

mics: akg drumpack, includes a d112 and 4 c418's. $500. maybe three '57's, $225. countryman DI $250. going to have to go cheap and get a set of matched rode n5's for overheads. $300.

used DAT deck: $300. try to get a panasonic if you can. (best low budget converters)

effects: two RNC compresser's: $350, two Kepex gates: $250, a used yamaha rev500, $200. that mid-priced Roland multi- effectsbox, i forget the model number, look it up: $300. the yamaha and roland kick the shit out of the mid-priced tc and lexicon stuff, yes i've listened to all of 'em.

monitors: ns10's $350 and Hafler power amp $300

you got about $250 leftover for cables.

options: replace the mackie sdr with a 1" eight track for the same price.

well you now got a sort of usable guitar center set-up. i could do all right with this, but can you? that is the question. of course housenubs is right and you should just go a studio.
sweetnubs said:
recorder: mackie sdr24/96, $1300.

The HD24 would be a better choice.......

a used yamaha rev500, $200. that mid-priced Roland multi- effectsbox, i forget the model number, look it up: $300. the yamaha and roland kick the shit out of the mid-priced tc and lexicon stuff, yes i've listened to all of 'em.
So have I and I disagree completely......... go with the Lexi's... I hate the TC stuff but you could use a Roland unit for different color......

monitors: ns10's $350
eewwwww.... 'nuf said....
hd24 would be a better choice but i think it's quite a bit more expensive, has been a little while since i've researched lower end products.

personally i think the lower end yamaha and roland boxes sound better then the lexicon stuff. on the high end i like lexicon and don't like tc much either. actually i prefer Eventide reverbs to all of 'em.

what can i say, sweetnubs love's ns10's. He could go for a powered monitor combo in that price range but i don't like any of them at that price point. events, krk's, m-audio, etc. might as well stick with something like ns10's that large amounts of great mixes have been done on. of course his room will probably suck anyways.