Preset mix


New member
Can I download preset mixes for vocals to use on Reaper?
If so, does anyone have a rap (boom bap) preset mixes to share with me or know a website that make it available for free?
Howdy eua!

None of those things you mentioned wanting a preset for, are done well with presets. It is all subjective to what the track/song needs.

That being said, there are many Reaper tutorials that may give you some insight.

Unless you buy a vocal 'suite' VST that has all of those fx together, you likely won't find a 'preset'.

Best to ya!
Like a saved preset on FX. Already tuned compressor, EQ, de-esser....
Like Jimmy says, a lot depends on how the original track is recorded. The settings used are in direct response to the track, so while it could get you in the ballpark it really wouldn't be of any use as an out-of-the-box sort of quick solution. But once you've dialed in things on your end regarding how you're recording the tracks, then it would be beneficial for you to save some presets to make the workflow from track to track, song to song a bit less tedious.