"Popping" sound from tape?


New member
I have a 424mk III.
I use Sony Brand Type II Hi Bias Tapes.
When these are played, a distinct erratic "popping" sound is head through the headphones.
As there are many variables that I could change, I would appreciate it if someone could help me out on any information they have.
I have already eliminated the bad power source and using the DBX to cut down the noise (which helps by the way).

Thank you

It could very well be that it's in dire need of a good de-gaussing. Do you have a demagnatizer?
Track Rat,
It just so happens that I purchased a De-Gausser yesterday. However, I have not had the oppurtunity to use it yet.
Thank you for replying so quickly!
I will use the demagnitizer as soon as possible.
I sure hope this will eliminate the problem.


degaussing should do the trick.
It sounds as though you have the build up of static E which can cause this.
Also, It can not hurt to try a better quality tape.
I have heard some very negative things about those sony brand, especially the " Sony CD it"
Good luck !