The Peaceful Political Roundtable

*Thanks for participating boys. I'm gonna wander off to bed soon but it is heartening to have an honest bullshit session. I enjoy this stuff and at the end of the day we will all deal with whatever the fuckers throw at us. Salut! :drunk:
Goodnight Lou. Nice thread.
If we’re forced to pay any kind of tax, we should eliminate all state sales taxes and institute a national sales tax. Say 10%. That’s my fantasy I’d be good with that.
If we’re forced to pay any kind of tax, we should eliminate all state sales taxes and institute a national sales tax. Say 10%. That’s my fantasy I’d be good with that.
That opens 47 different cans of worms. (46? Cans or kinds of worms? Eee fuck!)
New Hampshire has no sales tax. We have 9% meals and rooms tax (restaurants and hotels). We also have no state income tax. We do have relatively high property taxes. 50 states, 50 state budgets, 50 taxation schemes...
New Hampshire has no sales tax. We have 9% meals and rooms tax (restaurants and hotels). We also have no state income tax. We do have relatively high property taxes. 50 states, 50 state budgets, 50 taxation schemes...
Maine kills us on taxes.
Anyway - Trump wants to be a hero he could do it in a heartbeat by starting a movement to re-write the tax code and who better to lead the charge than one B. Sanders?