The Peaceful Political Roundtable

And I appreciate that. The fact that either political side is involved with and can influence criminal indictments is a bad thing, I’m not just blaming Democrats or Republicans (I’m non-party affiliated). Partisan politics seems to have grown more competitively fierce in the last decade and (arguably) more privatized by big money (now with easy access to information) in the last three. Maybe more campaign finance reform or abolishment would help, idk. How many millions are spent overall on a Presidential campaign? If we can give away $95,000,000,000.00 to countries for war aid maybe a better investment would be a common and capped Presidential campaign budget allotted to viable candidates (requiring a min number of signatures to tap into the funds available to any valid candidate to help deter fraud) of say $1,000,000,000 each capped to X amount of candidates and based on popularity support that somehow disqualifies gaining that support through private funding to reach min threshold of support to become eleigible for the public funding. Yeah, it’s not fool-proof and nothing is, but we need to reinvent this wheel. IDK what the solution is but I’m really sickened by the shenanigans and lack of quality choices in the Presidential arena.
Ding, ding, fuckin' ding!
Of course then the challenge of getting something like this passed in Congress which is mostly, if not wholly, under control of big money special interests, both major parties…Oy vey

We are such a greedy nation…not all of us to the point of excess but we have become complacent and spoiled in our luxuries, myself included.
Still poignant, still pertinent, still true:

"Modern industrial civilization has developed within a certain system of convenient myths. The driving force of modern industrial civilization has been individual material gain, which is accepted as legitimate, even praiseworthy, on the grounds that private vices yield public benefits in the classic formulation.

Now, it's long been understood very well that a society that is based on this principle will destroy itself in time. It can only persist with whatever suffering and injustice it entails as long as it's possible to pretend that the destructive forces that humans create are limited: that the world is an infinite resource, and that the world is an infinite garbage-can. At this stage of history, either one of two things is possible: either the general population will take control of its own destiny and will concern itself with community-interests, guided by values of solidarity and sympathy and concern for others; or, alternatively, there will be no destiny for anyone to control.

As long as some specialized class is in a position of authority, it is going to set policy in the special interests that it serves. But the conditions of survival, let alone justice, require rational social planning in the interests of the community as a whole and, by now, that means the global community. The question is whether privileged elites should dominate mass-communication, and should use this power as they tell us they must, namely, to impose necessary illusions, manipulate and deceive the stupid majority, and remove them from the public arena. The question, in brief, is whether democracy and freedom are values to be preserved or threats to be avoided. In this possibly terminal phase of human existence, democracy and freedom are more than values to be treasured, they may well be essential to survival."

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