Plugin Drivers for Pro Tools HD8 - can anyone help?


New member
Hi there

I'm hoping someone can help me with this. My hard drive crashed (and no I hadn't backed it up - hard lesson learned!) and although I've managed to reinstall Pro Tools successfully, I can't reinstall a lot of my plugins as the drivers are not available from the Avid site for PT HD8. I have the licences for them on my iLok but can't use them.

Does anyone know where I might be able to get hold of the plugin drivers for the following which will work with PT HD8 : Bomb Factory BF3A, Cosmonaut Voice, Focusrite D2/D3, Joemeek SC2 Comp, Joemeek VC5 Meequilizer, SansAmp PSA1 and Pultec EQH2?
