Please Help!! Mixing Problems.. Is it my Comp?


New member
Hey all,
I really need a hand,
I'm trying to mix tracks together on Logic Audio 4.5 all my seperate tracks sound fine but when I play them all together it peaks out and it's not even very loud, I compare the volume to a commercial cd's volume and they sound so much fatter, now I don't know alot about soundcards etc, and this all you tech people will laugh but I have an SB live Value card and I know it's not the greatest card for Audio recording but could it be the card thats the problem? I don't have a whole lot of money to spend cause things are expensive in Australia.. if I did i'd just buy the Digi001 but i'm just not sure if indeed I need to upgrade... So could it be my card that can't handle the volume ? because technically shouldn't I be able to mix it to be as loud as any pop commercial release cd ?? or maby it's Logic ?? I dunno please anyone HEEEELP!!!!!
i'd be most greatful!!
OK two things here.
1. You must use the mixer (ctrl M)to get the right level at the output of the mixer (Master 1).Obviously it's peaking at the mixer output so rebalance your tracks so it's not hitting out on the output of your mixer. That should solve the peakin out problem.
2. Now you enter the realm of loudness v level. For a start you could try inserting a compressor over the mixer output (now that the levels are OK) Sideswipe insert and select a compressor. (try using a preset like silver compressor. Click the arrow next to bypass and select vocal.) This will reduce the dynamic range and make the quieter sections louder without peaking out the loud sections.

Commercial CD's us a lot of compression, and if you're not using compression you won't be able to get that sound.

Do your tracks sound good individually? But not when all played together? If so, then it's a phase problem, and you could either reverse the phase on one or more tracks in Logic or re-record the offensive tracks with the mic at a different distance from the source.

If the tracks sound good when played together then maybe you could try some compression on the master channel in logic. Then you could get more of that commercial sound. Don't get carried away - it's easy to overdoit.

I'm guessing from what you told me but hopefully this will help.

Good Luck

And don't forget that when U have multiple tracks on your PC and U put them together, the signal strength increases a little more each track U add. And this can cause clippin even if there wasn't any when recorded. So just turn the master fader down a little............ I honestly don't know why that happens..... but it does, and isn't very had to compensate for.

Also, check you havent got any unneeded EQ running. especially bass as you can add so much low end without even noticing. apart from that, just stick a compresser at the end of your signal and drive what you can into it if you're having level problems.

id need to see your system to have an idea whats wrong