Please help me export fruity loops wav's into Adobe Audition


New member
First I would like to thank the person who responded to my last Fruity Loops post. At the moment I am at work so my forum searching is severely limited. I figured out all my issues from the last question I had. ( I think I was just over tired from 4 hours straight of hearing the same song and trying to run fruity loops) Now I am running into what I would consider a bigger issue. I have built most of my song in Fruity loops. The only "real" stuff is the guitars and vocals. Guitars and Vocals were recorded in adobe audition and imported as wav's into fruity so I could build the beat and bass around it. The problem I am running into is I want to now export each pattern out of fruity loops and into adobe audition so I can start mixing them. I don't want a wav of all the patterns combined. I want them separate. I also don't just want one progression of the loop. I want the entire pattern looped as it is in the playlist exported as a wav. I have been successful at exporting wavs with just the loop sample but I don't want to have to go through the trouble of relooping it throughout the length of the song in adobe audition. I hope all that makes sense. I have tried selecting the pattern and making sure pattern was checked and I have exported it with split tracks but it still keeps on giving me a wav with all patterns as 1. The funny thing with that is as its saving on my desktop I can see the individual wav's for each pattern but when it hits 100% there is only 1 file in my folder. Please help, I don't want to have gone through all that work to find I have to recreate my drum beats or reloop them in my recording program.

Another thing that I wanted to ask is what are Cubase and Reason? Would I be better off using these program with Adobe Audition or are they practically the same kind of program. My main focus is on the song im working on now, but I would like to optimize my way of doing things for future projects. Thanks fellow musicians!
imo, cubase is like audition on with EVERYTHING audition is missing. it's a multi track recording software with vst and midi capabilities. reason is more of a loop maker and mixer. FL studio is kinda like the combination of the two only not as good as either one, stand alone. \

as far as your problem with the exports, i'm not sure at the moment. i'll get back to you if i can recreate your problem. other than muting all tracks except 1 and exporting them all individually, i'm not sure whats up.
I had the same problem.... Now i'm looking for a software where i can make drums keybords and bass and record my gitar and vocals on top of that ....
sorry about the multiple replies but i realized i didn't answer the original question.

To export your loops, you will have to mute all instruments except the one you want for the track (i.e. mute all but the bass or synth), name accordingly, select save folder, and export! *REPEAT*

you;ll have to do this for every..... single..... instrument.... pain in the ass, i know. i've done this many times. anyone knows a simpler way to do it, PLEASE share the knowledge!