please check recording quality


New member
See what you guys think of this recording. I am not interested in a critique of the song(is just a song fragment anyway), but just the recording/mix quality. You also need not pay much attention to the drums, as I just programmed a little something there to fill them in.(I will usually want actual acoustic drums recorded). Thank you.

Pretty cool song. Liked the doubled vocals. I liked the singer's voice.

There is a little timing issue with the guitars at about :06. The word "if" at :13 has a little weirdness to it. I'm listening on small headphones, so I can't be sure. But there may be some lack of a low end. The bass line had a cool run or two.

Thanks for listening. Yeah the guitars are sloppy. I was in too much hurry just to get a clip done cuz I wanted to see what kind of sound quality I was getting trying a couple different things. It is annoying though and I guess I should be ashamed for posting it that way, but...

Lack of bass is usually not a prob I have had, but it could be that since I used to always mix too much bass that I went the other direction, but I wasn't hearing it that way myself in this clip.

Are you hearing doubled vocals throughout or just on a certain part? (may sound like a dumb question, but it is not :) )

Maybe bad compression on that 'if' word u are talking about? I have noticed it too.

Thanks for the voice compliment. My voice used 2 bother me sometimes but I have gotten to like it.

Any more comments on the sound of the guitars or bass or vocals or the overall mix here? Thanks to all again.
I liked the mix and eq on your instruments. The bass sounded ok, the kick needs some meat on it the bass is failry full but the kick is just clickin inside it. Fatten the kick and then they will probly dance good together. The vocals were good, nice effect. Tonal separation and panning was good in the mix.
I have tried a lot of things in my quest to figure out how to get a good recording /mix. I have done some mixes where I eq'd the heck out of things and 'carved' the eq of the diffeent instruments to fit together. No eq'ing at all was done on this mix. The only effect used was some compression on the vocals, (which we may have found out above to have been poorly done.) That kick was sampled from a commercial CD that I have. I just wanted to throw in a basic drum track that would have about the right eq so that I could test out my guitar, vocal, and bass recording in a full mix, without laying down a 'real' drum track, and then having those variables to contend with as well. If the kick is being perceived as clicky, maybe it is conflicting with the bass, and the bass needs a cut or something. Maybe I was just getting lucky with the other instruments in this particular mix seeming to work together well without eq. Thanks again. More comment would be appreciated.
The sample you start with is not clean. I can hear clicks...

But what bothers me most is that the drumsound is about as sterile as it can be. But you explained that. hehe. The kick sounds clicky because it's the same sample over and over again, at the same level. Same with the snare (which sounds terrible btw). Cymbals are pretty ok...

Hmmm. It's also very dry. Vocals could really use some reverb. Drums also, but well...

The effect on the vocals is some kind of choruslike effect, very typical when layering vocals.
Thanks for the reply, Roel. I am not sure what you meant in your opening statement:
The sample you start with is not clean. I can hear clicks...

Yeah, this isn't an example to critique the drums and what you said is true except I didn't think the snare sample itself was bad sounding if that was what you meant. Is that what you meant or just that the mechanicalness of the entire snare part was bad? Hopefully, soon I will be tracking acoustic drums for something and then we can really have some fun!

I am not sure what you were trying to say with the last statement about the vocals.
The effect on the vocals is some kind of choruslike effect, very typical when layering vocals.
Were you just trying to explain to others who had posted what the 'effect' they were hearing was, since I said the only processing I did to the vocals was a little compression?
eyesore said:
See what you guys think of this recording. I am not interested in a critique of the song(is just a song fragment anyway), but just the recording/mix quality. You also need not pay much attention to the drums, as I just programmed a little something there to fill them in.(I will usually want actual acoustic drums recorded). Thank you.

eyesore said:
Thanks for the reply, Roel. I am not sure what you meant in your opening statement:
When that sample starts, you can hear clicks. Using that kindof effects and small loops, you gotta be carefull when cutting, and make sure that there's nice fade in's and out's to make sure you cannot hear any clicks when the sample kicks in.

Yeah, this isn't an example to critique the drums and what you said is true except I didn't think the snare sample itself was bad sounding if that was what you meant. Is that what you meant or just that the mechanicalness of the entire snare part was bad? Hopefully, soon I will be tracking acoustic drums for something and then we can really have some fun!
I don't like the snare sample. Yikes. But that's also because of personal taste.

I am not sure what you were trying to say with the last statement about the vocals. Were you just trying to explain to others who had posted what the 'effect' they were hearing was, since I said the only processing I did to the vocals was a little compression? [/B]
Partly explaining to others, and just making sure in general that you too hear it, and know where it comes from. I guess. It IS very typical. If it's what you're going for that's ok, but if not... I'm not really fond of those vocal effects. Some songs can use them, but I prefer the natural sound. Anyway, that's also my personal taste.
Roel, thanks for the clarifications. The reason I didn't understand your first comment before mainly was because I did not know what 'sample' you were referring to - the kick sample or snare sample, or whatever. I WAS the one who cut out the kick sample, for instance. I take it you were referring to that weird vocal thing with the reverse reverb at the beginning of the clip. I guess you are right in calling it a sample as I basically sampled my own vocal there. I actually have little fade outs at the end of each time it says 'you' to prevent problems like you were referring to. I do not think there are any real clicks due to discontinuities in the waveform in that clip. It does pan from side to side and cut off the word sort of abrubtly, as I was trying to give a sort of stuttering effect as I sort of fake the start of the vocal in time with the rhythm of the song. Anyway, I just threw that intro in there, because that is how I envisioned the thing starting if I ever did make this fragment into a complete song, and it was more fun than just recording rhythm tracks and a vocal to check on sound quality :)

As to that vocal 'effect' resulting from layering the vocals, I like it when the different takes line up well. I think I did a much better job on the first half of the clip, and most people I have shown it to don't realize that there are actually 4 vocal takes there. I pretty much just whipped the takes down one after the other too, though I remember how hard it was trying to just double some vocals on some other songs in the past (myself and others) and I was trying it in vain on this one song the other day too. On the second half of this clip, there are just two vocal tracks, but I think they are looser and it sounds more like two guys singing, but I left it that way as I thought it might provide a good contrast between the two parts of the 'song'.

You're right! I eat oatmeal everyday for breakfast. So if I cut out the oatmeal, the sound will improve, since I see the thumbs down at the top of your post. I wish you could be a little more specific on what effect this has on the sound... ;)