Output issues with the H4N and Cubase.


New member
Alright, so I followed all of the directions to set up Cubase and the H4N audio interface, however my issue is that I can record something, but I am not able to hear it.
Everything in the "Device Setup" is Active, I tried changing around the Buses to Mono then back to Stereo. Could it be that I'm trying to do it in Mono? Does it have to be in Stereo? The monitor for the Mixer is on, I can hear myself playing during the recording (Through the external speaker that I have connected to it. Which is a Mini Jambox by Jawbone) Even when I'm not recording I can hear my instrument through the speakers. But when I go to play it back, there is complete silence. I also have my instrument directly plugged into the Mono (Left) jack on the bottom of the H4.

I am not sure what setting is wrong, or what I'm doing wrong.

Anyone's help is much appreciated.

Thank you,

Try toggle the 'Monitor' button on the track. It looks like a side view of a speaker.

Better yet, in Cubase go to File>Preferences...>VST. In the drop down box 'Auto Monitoring' select 'Tapemachine Style. It will disengage the monitor automatically when record isn't pressed.
