OT: Europeans buying on Ebay ??


New member
Just wondering if any forum members from the E.U., have bought something from the U.S. via Ebay or by some other means. Was the shipping cost expensive, did you have to pay any tariffs etc? Would you recommend it?

Thanks ;)
Yes, I bought my MC-50 from the US on eBay. No problems at all, not much shipping. The MC-50 is a light little box, and since I didn't need the power supply it got even lighter.

Also bought my A3000 from Austria.
I frequently buy from Ebay. Pretty much all of them.

The US is the best for availability and prices, but many people will refuse to ship outside the US. (Bastards!!!)

The reason, of course, is that there are often issues with the shipping.

Anyway, my rule of tumb is not to buy anything too large. Pedals are fine, as are things like computer parts. Guitars are out as are amps.

I try to get people to declare the item as a gift, then I do not have to pay import tax on them.

I bought an Aark 20/20 soundcard from the US, which was fairly expensive and came in quite a big box, but still not nearly the size (or weight) of a guitar.

In general, you don't pay tax on 2nd hand goods, but shipping's another matter. I think it cost about $35 surface mail.
Yeah the price/availability situation in the US is really annoying. All the stuff I really want cant be shipped to anywhere outside US. I think they shouldnt give sellers the option, highest bidder wins and pays the cost of shipping at their own risk end of story.
BigMike said:
The US is the best for availability and prices, but many people will refuse to ship outside the US. (Bastards!!!)

I've sold a fair amount of gear on eBay, and used to ship internationally. But then I got burned on a few transactions, most notably a les paul I sold to a guy in argentina. It is exceptionally difficult to resolve disputes over shipping damage or buyer expectations, and it gets really really expensive when things have to get shipped back.

Even when I took detailed photos, this guy was complaining bitterly about little scratches and stuff on a 16 year old guitar (!). Now with most packages getting ripped open at the borders for security reasons, I can no longer be confident that my packaging will stay intact, so I had to restrict future sales to U.S. only. Sucks but there it is.
I kinda understand that. First of all, you really got a trust eachother with the payment (Even over here there are jerks who don't send the stuff after you have paid): If someone rips me off I can't go to the US to complain.

And shipping is another thing. Things get easily lost, and who's going to pay for that troubles?
I sold an Arp Odyssee to a guy over in Europe...don't recall the country offhand anymore. but...It cost over $200 to ship it.
My horror story of shipping is that I sold a set of drums on ebay. The fellow who wanted them lives in Canada. I figure no big deal. No tariffs and UPS goes intop Canada. Turns out the buyer lives in such a remote section of Canada UPS dosen't travel that far. We got the set several hundred miles from the buyer who arrainged truck pick-up. It cost about $250 in the end and I was worried for over a week if this set would even get to him. That was it for me. US buyers with home addresses only.
I live in Costa Rica, I bought a MAckie 1604 VLZ on Ebay about three weeks ago. It cost me $700. The guy sent it to a delivery address I have in Miami for this purpose. I told the guy to put a paper that said it cost me $150. The guys at the customs here fell for it, the shipping was to Miami $25, to my country $76 plus $30 taxes, it came in great shape, like brand new. Of course, i bought from a guy who had over 200 positive feedbacks and emailed him constantly during the process.