Nuts II


I walk the line
What's the difference in tone and functionality between the various nut materials?

Is anything better for one thing or another?
Oh shit. I knew you would ask that.



And here's one of my secrets.

Since bone is hard, yet porous, after I'm done cutting and shaping it, I'll oil it with 3 in 1 oil.
It soaks in and the nut becomes self lubricating. No more pencil lead.
As a bonus, it gives it that nice vintage look.
I have whatever plastic comes on my guitars from the factory.
They all work fine, except when they're cut like crap like on my LPC.
But once you get the plastic filed properly the LPC works "normal" which is all I really need.
I wouldn't know if they affect tone. All I want them to do is stay in tune.
Does bone sound brighter than, say, Tusq? Or is it mellower?

If so, is it something you only notice on acoustics, or is it noticeable on electrics too?

Does bone, because of it's hardness, resist wear better, and thus keep in tune better?

Better sustain?

What about metal nuts?
I prefer bone because it's less brittle than plastic, it is porous and will take on board a small amount oil. Also I've never had part of a bone nut fly off adjacent to the low E string when like a total knob, I pick up a guitar by the neck and exert pressure on the strings like it did with a plastic nut. I always keep a few bone blanks about the place as I simply cannot be searching the web for one which will fit if required when a couple of hours in the workshop can produce exactly what's required including slight modification that I never got round to doing with the plastic nut as it wasn't quite annoying enough.
If you've never replaced a nut before then go with a pre-slotted Tusq nut. They are much easier to fit to your guitar than bone.
I agree with the last post.
Doing a nut from scratch takes tools and experience. Its not one of these things where beginners luck applies.
However, should one want bone, Stew Mac now sells pre-shaped and slotted bone nuts.