Not powering passive moniters


New member
Let's say I'm gonna get Event 20/20's in about a week. Then in about another 2 weeks I'll get a power amp. Can I just use the moniters unpowered for a couple of weeks without power if i keep them low? I would connect them to a VS1680, or I could use a reciever.
You would have to use your reciever, but make sure the reciever can handle 4 ohms before hooking them up.
If you don't know why you shouldn't (and can't!) hook speakers to line output jacks, I don't recommend doing anything past exactly what's shown in your various manuals. You might start with the HomeRecording impedance page but you might want to seriously learn a little more about electronics before you blow something expensive.
That;s the problem, I know a fair amount about recording, but don't know anything about electronics. I'm doing a lot of reading about the subjuect so I can learn how to not fry my equipment.
Well, good for you! I wish I had a good URL or two for you for this sort of thing but the best I can offer on this site is the line input info on the page and of course

Speakers are very low impedance and require tons of power (relative to any signals we use in recording). That's why if you hook the output of any kind of power amp to a line-level input you will burn it out.

Trying to power a speaker from a line output will make no appreciable sound whatsoever and could load the output down enough to hurt it as well.