noob cab/amp question.


New member
Hey all,
ive been playing bass for about a year and a half but i have been running it through my computer using guitar rig. Other then that i was using a 75watt amp of my cousins. Anyways, were starting to take things to the next level, and i am in need of an amp. I checked out a line 6 ld300 which had a pretty sweet sound. And i also checked out some random setup. cab/head. which sounded awesome. I guess my question is, which is the better way to go? A combo, or a cab/head. I personally would rather have a cab. Do any of you vets have any suggestions for a good cab/head setup? Im trying to keep it under a $700.00 right now. Christmas killed me cash wise. Thanks in advance, and i hope some of you guys can help me out.
One other thing to consider. Bass combos can be very heavy with the amp and speakers all in one unit. Splitting up the head and cab can be lighter on your back depending the size of your cab.

I owned a Carvin bass head and thought it was the best for the money. Im not saying it is the best, i just think its the best money can buy. Built like a tank, and has very good tone and LOTS of useful features other amps dont have. You could get something nice for around the 700 mark. They have a ported 2x12 bass combo (with wheels and a handle) i think it is 600 watts for around $700. It is the TRX model.

Good luck.
Head and cab is better. if you need to, you can upgrade them in turns, and easier to move.
Ashdown mag300 head and mag 410 cab from would cost you 660 in euros..
awesome! thanks for the replies guys. Lookin at the ratings on the Behringer BA410 1000w Bass Cab. If i held off and saved up 1000.00 would that be worth it? I just dont want to buy something and then regret it. Wonder if i go to guitar center if they can hook this up for me so i can jam on it..hehe. thanks again guys. any other suggestions would be helpful.
nice! thanks.

funny you should bring that up. i was talking to a guy who was looking to sell his Carvin RL-118. But i wanted to check it out first. I guess i dont know that much about this yet..heh. Kinda overwhelming but i need to get it done. checkin out that link you gave. wow...
this thing is a monster

so its def better to get one of those cabs and the head on there, then the combo?
Dalmazian said:
nice! thanks.

funny you should bring that up. i was talking to a guy who was looking to sell his Carvin RL-118. But i wanted to check it out first. I guess i dont know that much about this yet..heh. Kinda overwhelming but i need to get it done. checkin out that link you gave. wow...
this thing is a monster

so its def better to get one of those cabs and the head on there, then the combo?

I wouldnt say its better. What are you looking to use it for primarily? If your using it for jamming with a band, the 8x10 is nice, but the 4x10 is easier on you and will actually fit in you car. If I were to go back to playing bass, i would get either the 600watt head with a 4x10 cab, or they used to have a portable 2x12 combo 600 watts that i would get. Either way you will be heard with these no matter what you get and have a quality bass tone.

there is a wide range of killer amps that you can pick up for $700 for bass if you are patient. (hint: used)

Skip behringer. Poor workmanship, and no one will want to buy it from you when you are ready to move up.

Go on here and look at the classifieds, especially if you are in US/ CAN



edit: out of those carvins, and with that budget, I'd grab the BR610.
61 lbs-- my 210 combo (eden metro) weighs 77...
thanks again for all your replies, and for the links. right now, its just for jamming in a band, and to get some recording done and out of the way. But i want to use it for gigging soon down the road. I'd rather buy the right stuff now and not have to upgrade for awhile. Checkin out the BR610.

"i would get either the 600watt head with a 4x10 cab,"

lookin at that, and waiting for an email to see about a diff setup. looks like i might be checkin the carvin out tho. thanks again guys.
Ok guys its been awhile, and i finally decided what cab i want to get. I'm gonna most likely get B410 NEO from avatar speakers. That puts me at about $450.00. What is a decent head that some of you have had experience with? Part of me wants to get it from guitar center, cause i can get the credit card where you get a year of no interest. I could have that paid off in no time.
You didn't buy that rig yet did you?

My two cents....

First off, I wouldn't go for that line-6 thing you were talking about earlier, or anything like it for that matter. So many people have been into modeling amp sounds lately, but personally... i think they all sound the same - Cheap, and crappy. Don't ever buy something like that cause it'll never hold it's weight on the road.

The bass player in my band has a Hartke 3500 head, orver a Hartke 2x12 cab. It delivers plenty of power for anything you need to do, lots of control, and sounds great.

There might be a better rig out there, but they'll all pretty much be about the same dollars or more. I think this rigs total cost came out to $1000 or $1200... something like that. So far, we don't regret the decision.... maybe someone here would be able to tell you different tho.

Also, don't buy anything from Crate - NOTHING - EVER!!!!! Sounds like you have some decent cash to throw at a rig, now would be the perfect opportunity to make it a rig you're willing to keep for a long long time.

Good luck man!
mrstitch did u happen to see my post above? about the neo at ?
wasnt sure if u were telling me to stay away from those to. heh.

Maybe i will buy that cab, and check out that hartke head. I dunno, all this is getting so complicated to me now lol.