New To Mixing/Mastering

Jack Monroe

New member
Hello, All. Nice to meet you. I'm new to both this website and mixing and mastering in general.

I'm a rapper who's currently working on a mixtape for release sometime this year.

I recently recorded around twenty five vocal verses over pre-existing instrumentals of songs (i.e. Dr. Dre, DJ Premier, etc.).

Despite not being recorded on the best mic (a Shure stage microphone), they were recorded in a sound booth and sound decent. I want them to sound better. The vocals are dry at this point.

Seeing as though all the instrumentals I used had been mixed and mastered already, i will only be focusing on making my vocals sound as good as possible. That is my main goal.

I use Acid Pro 6.0 and will be using Sony Sound Forge 9.0 to edit and mix the vocals.

I don't know much about processes and effects like reverb or other plug ins, which makes it rather difficult to discern what i need to do to my vocals.

At this point, all I've done to the vocals is put them through a Noise Reduction plug in to remove a small hiss that I noticed. I've been a little hesitant to do anything further until I know more about what I need to put my vocals through.

So, are there any websites any of you can refer me to that explain what effects are generally used when mixing down straighforward vocals in a professional manner? I don't want them to sound experimental at all but, rather, as full and crisp as possible.

Also, is there a forum on this webite I haven't discovered yet where someone can post examples of their material and other members can comment and provide input on how said material can be improved. I think that a lot of you have great knowledge that can help steer me in the right direction so i can do some playing around with Sound Forge. I'd love to be able to hear how you guys think I should improve my sound quality.
MP3 Mixing clinic on the main forum page.

As for making your vocals stand out, it's been covered many times, there's a search function for specific queries and if you take some time poking around you'll get some very useful tips.

Welcome to the board!