new beat woooot

sorry that i'm not cool

sorry that it's not cool nowhere radio or

i'm not cool like that

OH and yo, someone who is proffesional listen and tell me stuff or something (your supposed to put that into every post right?)
well say something about it.

i get no respeck

surprised? dissapointed? is it offbeat? really badly mixed? completely fux0red? so cold it's gonna freeeze up?
Yo... I went to the link and all i saw was Big Ballsworth Records on a white page. What I gotta do wait and shit'll start playing? Am I missing something ?

Later on that night...

I realized I had already listened to these tracks and dismissed em as being some kinda joke.

No offense intended but I gotta ask... Are you serious?
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Quatum Pimp is an alright track - main problem is the volume keep on changing on the vocals - as if you didn't keep the mic the same distance apart - it kept changing.

Marcus + Marcus is okay, the distorted vocals aren't quite perfect at times, but it's sounds like it's getting there.

Habich is quite good, sounds like it needs just a touch more to make it sound a little less empty.

Oh, and what r those people chanting in it sayin'?

No offense intended but I gotta ask... Are you serious?

hellllll no and helllllll yeah. for starters i'm just fucking around...

I get grounded, i make a track or part of one. Quantumpimp was a fucking masterpiece of it's time. I made it cuz i had a good time making it, you know? Would i sell that shit...sure but i'd rather spend my time playing baseball or something...

I have a good time making shit.
what where they saying?

The "vocal track" is taken from a record of my

i can't find the record right now, but i could have sworn it was titled "german beer drinking music", which is definently what the record was even if that wasn't the title.

Habich ein en durst durst durst...=)