Need Help With Stand

I've gotten by in a pinch with duct tape and a stick.

Use whatever you can afford - if you can afford a tripod boom arm stand like Frank Sinatra is frequently pictured standing in front of by all means get it. If you can only afford something more modest --- as long as it holds the mic firmly in place --- no one's going to say 'that recording sounds like you duct taped a microphone to a stick'.
ACtually...a metal hanger and duct tape works better than most mic stands ive used, have. This method works really well for hanging Overheads too!

You get that special sound when the air moves past the mic and the mic is able to "flow" with the sound rather then being like a frozen turd in the wind.

Wait...what was the question again?
Why can't you have a sig? It's right there in the user CP, and I don't think that there is even a minimum post count, either.