Need help adding custom audio to video.


I am using windows 10 video editor. I put my stillshot/photo in the storyboard, and I then add my custom audio wav file. I then find that the video editor only plays seconds of what should be a 30 minute plus recording of that audio file. How can I make it play the entire audio, so I can complete editing the video?
It turns out the video is 42.14. The duration selection shows 1-7 seconds. When I change duration, it continues to only play a few seconds of the music.
I was able to change the duration of a "clip" (the still shot) to 1200 seconds, which is 20 minutes. To get over 40 minutes, I just added two more copies and changed the duration of those clips to 20 minutes each for a total of 1 hour. Then I dropped in a 48:52 .wav file and it played the whole thing.

But if it keeps giving you trouble, I'd lean toward better software. I use Vegas Pro, but it does cost a bit. You might try DaVinci Resolve, which has a pretty good free version.
Honestly, I didn't understand it either until I downloaded the app and played around with it. It's pretty clunky compared to a proper video editing program.
Windows Video Editor? Sometimes after I get my duration right, I select finish video, I then approximately wait an hour for the video to be done, and find the editor disappears from the taskbar, and I have to start all over.
With video, rendering takes time, and really it's where graphics cards with onboard processing really work. My video editor runs premiere and is pretty speedy, but umpteen frames a second, for many minutes is an awfully large file, done one frame at a time. On a slower PC with your processor doing everything, time can be longer than the length of the video many times over.
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