Monitoring / Tracking Headphones - Sennheiser 280 vs. 380PRO


New member
I've been wanting to buy a good set of monitoring headphones as a supplement to my main home studio monitors and for tracking. I wanted to spend around $100. I've had several folks recommend the Sennheiser 280's, and I was seriously considering buying a pair. I was at a local retailer yesterday and noticed that they had the Sennheiser 380PRO's on sale for $99! This is the same price as the 280's, which were not on sale. The regular price is $199. B&H has them for $145, but that's the cheapest I had seen them. I hadn't considered those because they were out of my price range, but when I saw the sale price, it seemed like a "no-brainer."

Does anyone have any experience with the 380PRO's? How do they compare to the 280's and other $100 models? Any reason I should take them back and either settle for 280's or keep looking?
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