Mixing vocals


New member
Hi all! I'm new here with a little problem: I'm currently recording with my band. What we use: an Alesis ADAT Type II XT20 and a Mackie 1202 VLZ console.

I put all effects directly while recording each track because we don't own enough material to add effects on each track while mixing down. The drum is a V-Drum from Roland so I plug it and record it directly (don't know exactly which effects...), as well as the bass through a direct box with a little bit of chorus, reverb (not much) and a compressor / noise gate. The guitar goes through a Boss GX700 effect module and then a monitor, and is the only instrument to be miced (Shure SM58). Some keyboards arrangements will be added later.

Now for a few weeks I try to record vocals but can't get a good sound. The recording of all instruments sounds very clear, but the voice always sounds a little bit "far" or "dead" (I'm sorry English is not my main language so I try to express it as best as I can ;), but still it is as clear or loud as the rest, it just does not have the same feel... It is like to voice is besides the rest.

What I have done and used:
-AudioTechnica 4033a microphone w/ popper stopper
-I run the line through a compressor/noise gate (PreSonus) set as a limiter
-I use my guitar effect module (Boss GX700) to add some delay (someone told me to add this effect... wihtout effects the vocals sounded very "raw")

My recording level is similar to that of the other instruments (around -4dB on my Alesis), I played with the EQs... all of the music sounds "together" and the vocals sound "apart". Any tips or tricks??

TIA, sorry for such a *long* message ;)

You said you've got a chorus and reverb available, try them instead of the delay.

You also might be squashing all the dynamics with the compressor, try backing off the attack and slowing the release a bit. Or lowering the ratio.

Finally, try not to position the singer near a reflective surface, and keep them about 1 foot from the mic.

Please let me know which if any of these ideas worked.
Thank you very much for your advice, I will try this as soon as I can (probably in 2 days) and give you feed back!

If this can be of help, I have also built-in effects for flanger/wah, speaker simulation, preamp simulation, compressor and limiter (beside a real compressor).

For reverb, what kind of parameters would be good (just a generic suggestion from where to start)? I tried reverb and had a lot of trouble making it sound "serious" ;), you know? (Not too much effect, but engouh at the same time)

Also if this helps, what I record now is melodic metal (so I really sing, I don't do cookie monster noises ;) ).


And for all:
What kind of room is better to record vocals? Currently I am in a basement room, which maybe sounds too clear and generates a little "buzz" when you speak loud in it, I wondered if this could also not help?

Thanks again
