Mirrors srorriM

James HE

a spoonfull weighs a ton
There's probaly 200 square feet of mirrors lying in a corner of my studio. My cousin owned a hair salon, that's where they are from. I thought it would be neat to put them up in the studio, but I'm wondering if it would be a bad idea acoustically. I could make my studio look twice as big as it is! he he... or at least inspire me to but the ballet slipers and tutu back on. :D

Put them in the ceeling of your bedroom, where else? Then put the tutu on and post some pictures.
If you want to liven up your room you can use mirrors. They will reflect whatever hits them.
Personally it think ola's suggestion is the best :)
I wouldn't put up mirrors... 'cause ya know, it would look like a hair salon....

How would foam look mounted on mirrors? That might be a need effect.