Midi keyboard - 25-key vs 49-key?


New member
I'd like to get either the Alesis Q25 or the Alesis Q49 midi keyboard. My main question (which I haven't found a satisfactory answer to through Google searches) is what is the difference between the two in features & functions? I think the 25-key would probably do what I need but I thought I would check with the pros on the subject here for advice. If it helps, I'm primarily a guitar player and record with Mixcraft, wanting to expand my musical pallette & delve into the world of midi with the features found in Mixcraft.
Did you download the "Product Overview" and "Quick Start Guide" for both items from the Alesis website?

No, good idea - thanks for the reply. I asked the same question in my local Sam Ash and pretty much got the answer. The Q25 is quite likely all I need since I'll be adding backing strings, synths, etc. to my guitar-based tracks. The Q49 has the extra keys for the additional octaves for keyboard players who would be playing full chords. Although the Q49 is only 20 bucks higher in price, I'll probably go with the Q25 for space consideration.
an edirol PCR is a good option too...it has 33 keys (if i remember) and the extras do help...25 keys are next to useless in truth
I use a Korg K25 (discontinued) Studio Controller quite lot. It works very
well with Finale. 25 keys is plenty because the octaves can be changed
in an instant and allows it to have the range of an 88 keyboard. It's also
powered by the USB port of the laptop. There's an AC but I've never
used it.

I can carry it in my music bag, too. Can't beat it if I'm going to
Starbucks for inspiration and want to compose.

I say go for it.
More keys=less transposing. I prefer 88 but have yet to find a decent 88key controller so I stick to 61. Would love to get a nord stage 2 73 key as it transmits midi over usb but $3000 for a midi controller is a bit much, even for me ;}
More keys=less transposing.
I don't see that as a problem since most entries are one line at a time.
If one wants enter a live keyboard performance using the entire
range then the 25 key.

For a $100 it's hard to go wrong.
I use the Alesis Q25 with Mixcraft 5. It works great and has really opened up my recording possibilities. It's probably all I need for now. A 49 Key keyboard would be nicer but I can still get whatever notes I want though it is slower because you have to move the pitch down an octave or you can adjust within the software. Not having the extra keys hasn't been much of an issue so far. I will tell you I absolutely love midi. It is so simple and easy to use I can't believe I didn't get it sooner.