looking for advice


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I know this question has probably been asked before a lot, but what is the best way to set home a cheap recording studio. I am a senior in high school and I am planing an independent study on recording music and making CDs. A classmate of mine and I are planing to use the talent in my school to create a CD. We have a couple of options open to us. I have acess to a board, a comp(p4 PC or a g3 mac), mics(though i need to purcase better quality mics), and other equpment. The problem is where. At my school, there are 3 sound proof rooms and that is taking the easy way out. Another option is trying to build our own room. I am open for ideas, and thank you for reading this. Also, what are the best programs for my situation and how is the basic setup. I am touring a pro studio in a week, so that should give me some ideas, but for now I am pretty much clueless. Thank you
Doesn't "independent study" mean you do your own research???

There's a search function here, FAQs, and other articles and such to read. Check those out and come back with something a bit more specific.

And no, you don't wanna build your own room. You wouldn't know where to begin.
I am touring a pro studio in a week. I have done tech stuff(sound and lighting) for plays and other events at my school, but beside this, I am in the dark when it comes to mics and other software to use. I found out my idea was accepted today, so this is the first place I found, sorry if I was not "well read" enough. I am still a teenager, maybe thinking about this as a future, maybe not. I just thought it would be intresting to find out more about this. I have tried to read over other posts, but the different models of pre amps, and amps, and mixers dont mean a thing to me. Any advice for a place to start then...like what is the basic setup involved. If I use a computer, do I need a mixer? What is the advantage of compressor, mics with built in compressors, and other different mics. I dont want to get to far ahead of myself, but the possiblity for recording will be acustic guitar, singer(s) and maybe band...so pretty much all the bases. I guess this is all expiermentation and what sounds the best, but any advice is warmly welcomed...lol
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Start here:


You can start with something as basic as an SBLive card or similar. If you have access to a board use it for the preamps. You'll need adapters from your board outs to your soundcard. For software check out N-tracks by Fasoft. It's about $50US and pretty straight forward.

Use the rooms at the school if possible, because they'll be treated to some degree and you won't have to worry about ambient noise as much in your tracking.

Gotta budget for this project?
we have to propose it to the school board, and see if they can help us with the funding. Thanks for the advice, and I will be back with more questions. I read all the glossary pages and all that, dont know how much I will remember, but it did help. I'm going to see what mics I actually have access to at school and see which ones I should purchase. Thanks.
It's hard to determine what you should get without a budget. If you are really clueless on what you need to get, perhaps you should buy a book or two and start reading. That will give you a good base to ask questions on gear purchasing. If you go into purchasing competely ignorant, you'll buy a lot of crap and waste a lot of money (I know I did.:D)

For some ideas on what books to get, check out this thread:


Also for info on mics go here:


Good luck :D