leaving mic on stand continuously


New member
I have an earthworks qtc40. In the case it comes with, there's a moisture absorber thing.

If I just leave the mic on the stand in my room, rather than putting it back in the box every night, will it be affected over time, or is this ok to do?
If your room humidity is low and not too dusty, there's nothing wrong leaving it on the stand.
ssman said:
I have an earthworks qtc40. In the case it comes with, there's a moisture absorber thing.

If I just leave the mic on the stand in my room, rather than putting it back in the box every night, will it be affected over time, or is this ok to do?
If the humidity is way high, then, yes, the mic diaphram can suffer from over exposure to excessive humidity.

Mics are sensitive....just like people! ;)
fraserhutch said:
I leave mine on the stands all the time.

I used to do that, but then one day I accidentally stomped on the cord to my favorite large diaphragm condenser and down it went! :eek: thankfully it was alright, but it's never sounded quite the same since then...

I put all my mics away when I'm done with them now, except for the ones in the drums.

EDIT: Actually I have a new favorite large diaphragm condenser (my studio projects c1) and I make absolutely sure it's either in its case or recording something.
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I may leave my dynamics up for a day or two while I'm still tracking but once I'm done then back in the cases they go. The expensive condensors never stay out.
Ah, but my cables are duct-taped down :)

bloomboy said:
I used to do that, but then one day I accidentally stomped on the cord to my favorite large diaphragm condenser and down it went! :eek: thankfully it was alright, but it's never sounded quite the same since then...

I put all my mics away when I'm done with them now, except for the ones in the drums.

EDIT: Actually I have a new favorite large diaphragm condenser (my studio projects c1) and I make absolutely sure it's either in its case or recording something.
60's guy said:
If the humidity is way high, then, yes, the mic diaphram can suffer from over exposure to excessive humidity.

Mics are sensitive....just like people! ;)

I think this got lost in the shuffle.... my own home brew desiccant/mic locker recipe.


My mics have since been living in 25% humidity ever since. I have been so happy with this... I am going to put a few of these home brew desiccants in my live racks when they are in storage between gigs. This time I might move up to a quart cottage cheese container. :D