Lag problems


New member
Has anyone been successful with getting rid of tracks lagging other tracks?
I have a 5 dollar soundcard, I should tell you that right away. I do the things that the help files tell me to do (I think), by putting a different number in the place to compensate for the lag I believe. I have tried high numbers and low numbers but I am still getting tracks that lag the first drum track. I don't really know what causes lagging in the first place so I'm not really sure what it is even (although I know what it does).
I bought the registered version yesterday and tried my first recording today. It was fun. A lot different than my Tascam 02 hee hee hee.
If you lag is between MIDI and WAV files =only=, than this makes troubleshooting easier. This could indeed be caused by your soundcard, especially if it uses software synthesis for the MIDI instructions. I've got a tip here, and I wish more people would read it because it pertains to any program, not just n-track, but this might help.

Instead of placing the MIDI file directly into N-track, try using Goldwave (or something similar) to record it to a WAV file first. As long as your mixer has the mic off, this will introduce either no noise, or minimal noise.. Then, bring that WAV file into N-track and use that as a guide to recording the other tracks. You'll probably find sync problems happening less (or not at all). Of course you can't use N-track v2's lovely piano roll and stuff once you've done this, but there's another upside. Once the MIDI file has been recorded in (say) Goldwave, you can modify it using a wide array of interesting tools so it sounds less cheesy. Yes, even the greatest of drum sounds is still cheesy. Try adding some distortion, or small levels of hiss, etc. Anyway, try that :)
I tried some changing of there defaults in the preferences,options areas an it worked good. Changing around buffers and turning certain devices off like so they won't be on the screen etc. I also mixed 4 tracks down to a wav file and then did more tracks with that mix and kept going to do 11 tracks. I think I could even do more tracks this way but need to learn more about the mixing levels to get better results. It worked great. It was quite fun and the sound was very good. There was no lag at all after fooling around with the values and finding the ones that worked on my computer. Thanks.