keyboard thats not a midi controller. any of them have drum pads?


New member
i have an old yamaha psr 225gm. its a keyboard with the crappy plastic keys and it has speakers and hundreds of different sounds so i can play it by just plugging it in to an outlet. i started to record vocals and would like a semi weighted keyboard for my studio. id like for it to have drum pads too but all i see are midi controllers that have those. i want something where i don't need a computer to play it and it should be around 100-200$. thanks
A weighted keyboard, and drum pads, and self-contained, all for under $200? Just keep searching out craigslist and the used keys at your local music stores. You certainly won't find anything new with weighted keyboard for under $200, other than the low-line Yamahas, and they are only semi-weighted.