J bridge uninstall question

I uninstalled jbridge from windows10 but in cubaseai10 I'm still getting a cannot find proxy dill. warning...my question is how do I erase all or at least the warning file in jBridge?
Simple. Just take off the strings and unscrew the bridge.

Lol :D Joke
From the title thought you were talking about a jazz bass.

Seriously, don't have any familiarity with W10

But you get a free bump to the top.
Someone knowedgable will be by shortly.
Uninstalling jBridge without using it's own uninstaller is probably what leaves the files behind. I uninstalled it with the windows10 apps and programs uninstaller..I got in touch with the creators of jBridge and they told me that all 4kb duplicate files(dll) are a product of jBridge...just search whatever folder or drives you think they exist in and search for 4kb dll files, because 4kb dll files are what jBridge creates...these duplicates are what is causing the error messages...another way to do it is when you choose a plugin and the error message shows up, search for that plugin in your folders and delete the copied 4kb file.