Isn't it lonely final mix. critique


Active member
I am getting ready to release a few songs. This one I've remixed a few times added new vocals. then I sat on them all for awhile. If anyone still hears anything mix wise weird I'd appreciate the feedback. thanks. Now days I'm trying to be more patient and wait after something is done so I don't regret things later as much.

96/24 wav (updated vocals raised)

mp3 (updated vocals raised)

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Earbud listen

Engaging. Good drums, good swagger, great lyrics, lovely arrangement that maintains interest. I want to listen to this one through headphones and speakers later. Good work.

I love your approach of putting the mix on the shelf for awhile and coming back later. Wisdom, wisdom.
Since you asked for "mix" critique...

On my system, I kept expecting the VOX to come out "FULL" at some point... They sound very AM radio to me.
Love the guitar tone @3:15, Nice Wide and Full! I would consider doing that all the way through.

Great Groove! 8-)
Since you asked for "mix" critique...

On my system, I kept expecting the VOX to come out "FULL" at some point...
Kind of my impression as well. I find myself focussing on the vocal cuz it's set back relative to the in-your-face guitar, and it's even buried a bit in the section that starts at 2.18, which is a pity, because those are the first words that jumped out at me on the first listen. Might be a mixing call, but I bet nobody would complain if you bumped it up 2 dB. Okay, 1.5 if you're shy. 8-)

I really like this one.

Mp3 through KRK VXT8s.
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Great Powerful song ! I have to agree with the above comments about the vox volume , although [n the last chorus the vocals seemed to come up better. ??
Enjoyed the guitat work with the breakdowns .. mark
Ok raised all vocals especially in bridge the part dobro was talking about. Verses, choruses. It's a problem I always have because it's my voice. I think every mix I've ever done the vocals aren't loud enough.
It's a problem I always have because it's my voice. I think every mix I've ever done the vocals aren't loud enough.
I want to talk about two things, the most important first, I think. The psychology of recording and mixing deserves its own forum. It's a common psychological pattern that we perceive things and situations in ways that don't match the facts, and when it's art production for an audience, that effect ramps up. It's made worse when you're working on your own and don't have other ears around to flag stuff when it's necessary. I have been so impressed, time after time, how bad my judgement is both when I'm wearing the producer's hat ("Yeah, that take's a keeper!" - WRONG) and the mixing engineer's hat ("That sounds alright!" - WRONG). So, I am starting to put a LOT of time into calibrating my ears with good references these days.

New mix sounds better. But keep me away from your mix, cuz I'd still bring the vocal up a bit more. :ROFLMAO:

One of the big pleasures of being on a forum like this is that I get to hear people making really good music that I'll never hear on Spotify or Amazon. Very exclusive. 😎
Overall I think that's a much Phatter mix, guitars even sound better.


Try scooping the mid-highs in your VOX a bit, then crank'em up!