Interface and software


New member
So I am starting a home studio, and i plan to have my setup as mics into mixers, into audio interface, into computer. What audio interface is recommended, and what software is preferred? Does and Audio interface effect the sound quiality of a recording? and how would one go to connect their mixer into the audio interface, then audio interface into the computer? (which cables to use and such)
So I am starting a home studio, and i plan to have my setup as mics into mixers, into audio interface, into computer. What audio interface is recommended, and what software is preferred? Does and Audio interface effect the sound quiality of a recording? and how would one go to connect their mixer into the audio interface, then audio interface into the computer? (which cables to use and such)

An interface should not affect the sound quality of a recording. Most interfaces connect to your computer with a USB or Firewire cable. You only need a mixer if you are recording several sound sources at once (like a live band or a drum kit). Read the introduction sticky to get a general understanding of recording on a computer.
With an audio interface, you don't really need a mixer. Essentially your computer becomes your mixer with the interface. You would plug your mics and/or instruments into your interface which would connect to your computer. If you are limited on inputs you could use a mixer to help. Say for instance you only have 4 inputs on your interface, but you have 7 mics on a drum kit as well as a guitar and a bass. Then you could run the kit into a mixer and take that output to your interface. Not the best idea, but you can probably make it work if needed.

I would suggest just getting an interface with no mixer. Make sure the interface can handle everything you need it to. Meaning if you are going to be using MIDI, make sure the interface has a MIDI input. If you are going to be recording live bands, make sure you have enough inputs to get what you want done.

When it comes to software, a lot of the interfaces will come with their own software. If you get an Mbox interface, you get ProTools software...etc. When it comes to what software to get its all up to you and what you want to use. Personal preference is what to go with. ProTools is somewhat industry standard, but its also fairly complex (past the simple editing) and expensive. If you are just learning, or not trying to do a lot of in depth stuff you can find plenty of others that will suit your needs.