inspiron 600m studio lappy


New member
:( :( please help me. i got hurt without health insurance and hav to sell my lappy :(

its a studio on wheels. 1.8ghz pentium m dothan 512mb ram 30gb hd optimized for daw work with all settings and sxga resolution check it out on ebay search item # 6735428489

its in great shape and i just had it a month. my wharfedales never felt so good like when :mad: hooked up to the lappy lol man im mad but medical bills arent cheap :mad:
I'd keep it. Just pay $10.00-$20.00 a month on the medical bills. Its interest free and they can't lock you up. My wife has been paying $15.00 a month for 5 years and she's about got it paid off. We had the money but its an interest free loan so why drain your savings?

Good luck