import songdata


New member
I work with Stdio One 4, the free version.
How do I import a song?
I only can find "Import file", that does not work.
I can't find "Import songdata".
Are you sure you are doing the right thing? Song data as in .song loads templates for your setup, not music? I get the idea you are trying to load some other kind of file? Can you explain a bit about what you're doing? file/import lets you add audio and midi - that kind of thing. Song data is kind of the framework your projects open in.
I tried to import a .wma file

Song > import file (only possibility) > Diverse swingers > no searchresult.
It might not support that format. WMA if a Microsoft format. Look up what file types it supports.
That's right. It doesn't support .wma, but it does support .wav.
No problem. I can convert the import.
Thanks for helping.