iMac g5's

I would certainly think so. It packs the same punch as the G5 tower but in an all in one package.

The only 'flaw' is that there are no PCI slots, so you would be forced to use a USB or Firewire sound card (some of which are very nice and provide extra controls you just don't get with with a conventional PCI card).

Of course there is always the on-board sound card that would get you running fine if you only need 2 input channels.
rock. before buying i would look seriously at an amd pc.
particularly a amd 64. you will get a wider variety of software
using a amd pc. also check out the multitrack software i use. cant be beat for very little money. powertracks at
the amd systems are also reporting very high performance in track counts,
and low latency. peace.
no the 64 is not just a gamer computer. a lot of people are using it for large track and plug in counts in recording studios.
i would suggest you read a bit about it, by searching using the bbs search ,
and plug in the search amd 64. a number of configs will come up.
if you tell us all what you want in terms of track counts, plug ins, and how many tracks you wish to record would help make suggestions. right now the amd 64 is the king of the hill. unless you go dual amd opterons. do some pst researching at as well.
then once you become familiar ask q's.peace.