Ibanez rg570 + effects....


New member
Does anyone have any comments on the ibanez rg570? Im very interested in getting one. Plus, with that guitar and a vs100r 1x12 combo marshall, what box can get me death metal distortion (from metallica to fear factory, or as close as possible)? Thanx!
I don't have a RG570 but I've read some reviews of it in guitar mags that say that it is excellent value.

As far as your distortion goes I never like running pedals to get a good distorted rhythm sound. If you not happy with your valvestate then I'd find an amp that you are happy with. However, obviously there's the whole money thing (nice amps can be expensive).

If you want a metal tone from a pedal then I don't think you can go past a Boss Metalzone - you can suck the mids bone dry and like all Boss pedals, it is virtually indestructible - allowing for some serious moshing.
