I need help with guitar tone


New member
I need help with my guitar tone, it sounds really bad is there anyone who can please check what I'm doing wrong? I will happily email some clips and details. I would greatly appreciate it thank you!
Post them up here, along with an explanation of what you did and what you are looking for. If possible let us hear it in the mix as well as solo.
Electric guitar? Acoustic? If the former, mic'ing an amp? If so which one and with what microphone?

I could go on but you get the idea? The guys here need VASTLY more information before they can even think about helping you.

You need to get some posts under your belt before you can post clips so use that time to give us chapter and verse as to your setup. Guitar(s) amps, AI, DAW, mics. What genres you are interested in, pet choices...

You need to get some posts under your belt before you can post clips so use that time to give us chapter and verse as to your setup. Guitar(s) amps, AI, DAW, mics. What genres you are interested in, pet choices...

Got me wondering how many, found it.
' New members will need to have 5 post or more in order to be able to post a link.

Easy breezy :>)
There are a lot of resources on youtube. But like the others said, we need more info to help you. Help us help you :)