How to leave 8 frames between each region??


New member
Hey I'm doing this post production thing for a Korean company and they requested I leave 8 frames between each region. I have 1 final audio track with about 185 audio regions in it, each one is like 5 second long.

What is the easiest/fastest way to input 8 frames between each take?
you can nudge or shift them 8 frames...

or what I find is easiest is to make a selection of an empty section 8 frames long. Copy the empty section and then turn on shuffle mode. Go to the end of the first region, and press Shit+Tab to tab select to the next region. Then paste (Ctrl+V or Apple+V or whatever).
Then just tab over to the next region boundary and repeat. You should be going pretty fast after the first 10 or so.
you can nudge or shift them 8 frames...

or what I find is easiest is to make a selection of an empty section 8 frames long. Copy the empty section and then turn on shuffle mode. Go to the end of the first region, and press Shit+Tab to tab select to the next region. Then paste (Ctrl+V or Apple+V or whatever).
Then just tab over to the next region boundary and repeat. You should be going pretty fast after the first 10 or so.

If doing the second method, remember to have "Tab to Transient" switched off ;)

You could also use "Spot" mode (next to grid, slip and shuffle) but to be honest I think Benny's second idea is best.