How to get web traffic, publicity?

XXX Music

New member
I just started a website for my music, what are the best ways to get traffic for it?

I've submitted it to various search engines, so far it isn't showing up anywhere. Tried more than a week ago, hasn't showed up there either. Is there a list of music-related search engines out there somewhere?

What are other ways of drumming up traffic, aside from mail spam?
One good way would be to include the URL in every email, bbs post etc. so others can click on it. You have not done that here, and I would have clicked on your site just to support you. See what I mean? Go to and into the artists area for lots of tips on how to get visitors to your music site.
Good luck,
(Bluegrass Music Website)
try its a site that automatically submits your site to a grip of search engines, and includes tips on how to get your site into yahoo. i havent used it, but from what i read on the site i highly recommend it.
The most common mistake is not adding meta tags to your html pages.
Make sure you do that. Then you can buy addweb software. It submits your site to tons of search engines and lets you know what your rankings are for certain keywords.
It takes time for you to show up on search engines. It also could be that your keyword ranking is so poor its like #1224 or something retarded like that.