How to get a free review of your tracks.


New member
This is where I go to get my recorded songs reviewed for free: - an online music publishing company

The direct link to upload a song is:

It sometimes takes a few weeks, but you usually get a pretty helpful review and if they like it they include it in their online catalog.

Does anybody know if there are any other websites that do this?
Thank you for all of your valuable contribution to this site. 3 of your 4 illustrious posts simply pimp this other website. You're a jewel. :rolleyes:
scrubs said:
Thank you for all of your valuable contribution to this site. 3 of your 4 illustrious posts simply pimp this other website. You're a jewel. :rolleyes:
It's the only one I know... :-) I can ask my friends and post my mp3's but I like the idea of someone listening to them who may actually be interested in doing something with them and judging the commercial value.

So if you know other websites or possibilities I can "pimp", please let me know!
Rockdan said:
It's the only one I know... :-) I can ask my friends and post my mp3's but I like the idea of someone listening to them who may actually be interested in doing something with them and judging the commercial value.

So if you know other websites or possibilities I can "pimp", please let me know!

You can post them in the mp3 mixing clinic on this very site. There you will receive reviews on multiple aspects of your recording from other musicians and recording engineers. If you want to know if your song is a "hit," try Garage Band, where musicians struggling to "make it" review each others songs.
Thanks. However, my advice is not to use I once took time to read the terms & conditions, basically if you register and submit a song there they can pretty much do anything they want with your track.