Chinese guitar multi-effects unit clone similar to Alesis Microverb 4

  • Thread starter Thread starter rob aylestone
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rob aylestone

rob aylestone


Chinese copy multi-effects unit that appears to be the same as the old Alesis Microverb 4​

That new Behringer spring reverb made me remember the Chinese cheap 19" effects unit I bought and never plugged in - for £49. I've made a video so you can hear it, and I quite like it for the price. It's a bit hissy, but actually very usable. Very clearly it is either an unbranded Alesis with some mods, or just a copy of the internals, I don't know? Anyway - I plugged a guitar into it and fiddled.
That new Behringer spring reverb made me remember the Chinese cheap 19" effects unit I bought and never plugged in - for £49.
Thanks, Rob . . . and this reminded me of my first reverb unit back in my old analog bedroom studio in the late 80's - early 90's. I bought the (original?) Alesis MIDIVERB - a tiny little thing it was. Being my first dive into external FX processors, I was satisfied with it's sounds.

As for your Microverb copy, I really like the pitch adjustment features. Especially separate shifting for fundamental and FX - I could play around with that for awhile.
Has it been that long.. , to our dreams..

Emulated digital spring reverb were always rare. But the real spring reverb is needed. So you'd settle for digital plate or some room.

Pedals make noise. Never place anything before the pre amp input.

Use fx loops . when not in use, always connect 'in to out' as the loop is a gain stage.

My opinion ..get the crappiest digital grainy reverb..The 16 bit era stuff. the -20 equipment > than the -10..

Put a little water in the rain''