Hi everyone!


New member
I'm new here... as if you can't tell by post count :) I'm 36, female and love playing with music / composing, singing and starting to try to get some of it recorded (mostly for my own purposes, I don't want to lose what I have written). I don't have much for gear though, other than using Garage Band on both my Macbook Pro, and iPad2. I have several acoustic guitars (my Martin OMCPA3 is my baby) and a Luna Trinity. I also have a Korg Triton keyboard, Roland acoustic chorus amp, Apex 515 mic, TC Helicon VoiceLive touch (for live performances this is one fun piece of gear!). So what I have really is more for live than recording...

And I have not recorded much, but was playing around with Garage Band on the iPad2 earlier... I do have lyrics for this, and the vocals will be recorded later. This was all actually just messing around. The piano and strings are played on a virtual keyboard / synth but the guitar track is real... it's my Luna (also recorded using the iPad). Obviously not studio quality or anything, but this is one fun little tool on the go.... a mini multi track recording studio with effects... in a tablet! I wasn't even using any special mic for the guitar track... just the mic from the wired headset (to block out the other tracks). It does make me want to sit down and start composing more though! :)

Anyway just wanted to say hello and introduce myself!


  • Lost.mp3
    6 MB · Views: 13
Hi there....nice to have you on the forums. :)
What area are you from?

If you are looking for critiques on your music....it'sbest to post music in the MP3 Clinic rather than the Newbies forum.
I can move this thread for you...you'll get more responses to the music there.

By the way, it's a nice set of bed tracks...would like to hear it with the vocals though.
Nice sonic texture but it gets kind of monotonous after a while without vocals. Cudos for using what you have at hand while tracking. It's not gear that makes good music, it's catching the vibe however you can.
Nice sonic texture but it gets kind of monotonous after a while without vocals. Cudos for using what you have at hand while tracking. It's not gear that makes good music, it's catching the vibe however you can.

Here is with vocals... which I do have to re-record. At 5 am after awake the whole night and with a cold doesn't work well for singing LOL and I only recorded the vocals literally with the iPad headset microphone! haha I was not at home at the time. (but this will give an idea how it will sound)


(if the attachment did not work)


  • Adrift.mp3
    6 MB · Views: 5
The sketch of this tune is very nice. I would explore vocally away from the A and C# and try to stretch it out some. It would add more emotion. The melody does get a bit stale after a bit and needs some other sections constructed. Also less reverb overall to bring the mix to the front would be nice. I am a sucker for nice haunting melodies and ballads, and this is a good start. When you are able to re-record and balance the instrumentation and vocals, it sounds like it will be great! One more thing on your vocal. It is a very smooth voice with little or no vibrato (at least I can't hear it in this mix), so work on getting each syllable enunciated and locked in. Each breath and each transition needs to be almost perfect, as a smooth voice lends itself to more criticism and focus than a dynamic powerful voice. There is my .02
The sketch of this tune is very nice. I would explore vocally away from the A and C# and try to stretch it out some. It would add more emotion. The melody does get a bit stale after a bit and needs some other sections constructed. Also less reverb overall to bring the mix to the front would be nice. I am a sucker for nice haunting melodies and ballads, and this is a good start. When you are able to re-record and balance the instrumentation and vocals, it sounds like it will be great! One more thing on your vocal. It is a very smooth voice with little or no vibrato (at least I can't hear it in this mix), so work on getting each syllable enunciated and locked in. Each breath and each transition needs to be almost perfect, as a smooth voice lends itself to more criticism and focus than a dynamic powerful voice. There is my .02

The vocals are being re-recorded :) not at 5 am after no sleep... and not on my iPad lol. The iPad did well with the instrumental tracks and even the guitar track (recorded with believe it or not an Apple iPhone handsfree headset!) It doesn't do so well on vocals though, so I will transfer the whole thing to the full garage band on my Macbok Pro - with the tracks in tact and I can tweak them from there. Then will add proper vocals. This was just a very quick idea of where I am going with it and by no means anywhere near final