Hear software reverb as you sing

Monkey Allen

Fork and spoon operator
Hey, usually if I sing, I just sing into the mic attached to my Presonus Firebox and then add reverb or whatever afterwards. How do you have real time reverb applied and have that sound of your reverbed voice come into your headphones when recording/ listening to the track?

I imagine this is where the many threads about latency come into play. Usually I never do any real time effect stuff like that...

..I imagine this is where the many threads about latency come into play. Usually I never do any real time effect stuff like that...

I haven't needed to -use a hardware verb in the headphone mix, but likely just use the input monitor' button on the track with it inserted, route it back out to the soundcard.
If you're already doing the live track monitored real time it may actually be simpler to do an aux send and verb bus to keep only the verb, (no vocal) through 'cake (and not worry about latency -What's verb plus or minus a few ms? Or just knock a few off the time to compensate. ;)