Good web based site for collab. file-sharing?


the jerk at the board
I'm starting a collaborative project with some long-distance guys.

Yahoo mail caps my attachments at 25MB. Which would be fine if we were just working with mp3. But I was hoping for wav.

I used some web-based free file-sharing service a few years ago. I think they went defunct. It was awesome. I didn't have to install anything, and I just had to read their ad banner while I was uploading and downloading wav files. No headaches at all.

Any of you have any experience with good free file-sharing for recording collaborations? Thanks!
Thanks! This seems to be what I was looking for and more.

Someone also steered me towards Dropbox. I was looking for something that didn't have any software to install, so at first I wasn't into it. But the download seems to be a step that you can skip. I installed it on one computer, but I can upload and download from any computer now. I guess the install just put an icon in the systray?

I'll test both out tonight. Thanks again!
Yeah Drop box. Keep an eye on it though so you dont keep uploading things you dont want to and go over your limit. ;)

Also, nothing wrong with high end MP3 ( 320bits 44.1 KHz ) if you convert to wav each time you edit it.