GAP Pre-73 volume...WTH

Haha! For real :)

I think the only thing I used my GA Pre-73 manual for was to wipe the gear-lust drool off of my chin when it arrived in the mail :D

haha. well, actually i love manuals..i was just making a joke. i usually read them from beginning to end. however, i don't remember gettting one with the GAP.
haha. well, actually i love manuals..i was just making a joke. i usually read them from beginning to end. however, i don't remember gettting one with the GAP.

Now that I think about're right! The box itself was almost like a manual with all of the writing and instructions mine had on it. Dunno if they've always been like though.
All I could find in the Golden Age site was a 2 page brochure/manual. Have you modded your Pre73?

Yeah mine just came a 1 page pull out and the box. No I haven't modded mine. I was planning on doing a transformer upgrade, but I like the sound as is and have a couple other Neve flavored preamps with better transformers that sound slightly better, but the GAP is great as is for me.