Ezdrummer 2 question?


New member
Dose anyone make there beats with in the EZdrummers 2 own software and then copy it to there draw, or is it best to load EZ in to the draw to make beats?
Just want to know if they are any advantages to this?
I hope that i'm not banging on an auto-translation: Does anyone know if EZgrammar is available?



AFAIK, your DAW should allow easier manipulating of the midi notes. I've never bothered to see SD2's midi editor though, if they even have one. I insert SD as a new instrument track and then double click the time line to get the midi editor to open. I drag "grooves" onto the timeline in the DAW if i'm using a pre-made base groove. I use Studio One 2.
As far as I can tell, it's all about your personal workflow preferences and experiences. I will say that EZD2 is really flexible either way you approach it (as I understand the OP's post). Additionally, it's really easy to mouse the drums display and setup beats, patterns, loops, etc. I very often use MIDI loops With EZD2 because it's ridiculously simple to get good, quick results, and EZD2 works very well with drag&drop MIDI loops and tracks.
