Entry level 5.1


New member

I'm studying if I can create sfx/music in 5.1 . How should I get started? I'm thinking if there exists special earphones for that, so I could get started and not have to invest in monitors / studio acoustics so much at this stage.

Best regards & good wishes,
You cannot mix 5.1 surround on headphones. To do it right you need five matched loudspeakers, plus a good sub, in a room properly treated with bass traps and absorbers at the reflection points. More about the acoustic side here:

How to set up a room

so I could get started and not have to invest in monitors / studio acoustics so much at this stage.
A) "Entry level" 5.1 is a rather significant investment.

B) Your monitoring chain (including the broadband & spot treatment in the room) are the absolute paramount of the entire system. The one place which you should not and can not cut corners. EVERYTHING ELSE is secondary by a long, long shot. Your *FIRST* investment - Surround or not - should be a quality monitoring chain. Without that, you might as well have absolutely nothing.