Electronic Music Sounds


New member
I'm new at making electronic music, and there are some sounds that I would like to be able to make, but I can't find tutorials on how to create them. The sound that I would most like to be able to create is one that deadmau5 uses a lot. When the synth is building up and then it ends, there's this sort of splash sound, and I can't figure out how to make it. A good example would in the song The Veldt, at 1:00 you here the sound that I'm talking about. I'm not sure if the sound has a name, but I can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not really sure what the proscribed method for generating electronica is, but I feel like the bulk of it consists of:
1. Buy some gear and/or software that seems cool
2. RtFM
3. Experiment.

Kind of like any instrument, really.
there's this sort of splash sound
You hit the nail on the head!
The sound you reference in the Veldt is actually a splash sound.
I can't be 100% sure what HE used to create it, but it can easily be created by filtering some modulated white noise or a splash cymbal.

Feel free to direct any synthesis or sound design questions my way. I don't know everything (I feel like I don't know anything!) but I'll answer to the best of my ability.
1. Buy "The Secrets of House Music Production"
2. Read and follow the workthroughs.
3. Record your own tracks using its templates as a reference.
4. Profit
5. Retire in the Caymans.