done with sonar and continue crashing


New member
I have had all I can take with Sonar 7 and MS.

For the last week I've been honing my skills on
my new macbook pro. The best note book I've
ever used. I just picked up a Duet and Logic
Express 9.

I would like to know how long it takes to get
aquainted with logic. It looks much more involved
that what I'm use to with sonar.

I've ran across a couple nice mini training video's
on youtube. Any other words of wisdom?
If you are already familiar with a DAW program like Sonar, it shouldn't be that difficult. Everyone says that Logic has a steep learning curve, but in my opinion it is no more difficult to learn than any of the other higher end daw software programs. But yes, those youtube videos do help. :)
I was messing around with it a little bit and was able
to record a couple audio tracks and some software

What I really need to figure out is how to get my
Motiff XS rack to function. I believe you have to
set it up as a synth? correct?

Seems like a youtube video mentioned going into the
enviorment window screen 8. From there it got a bit